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Showing posts from September, 2011

Life is too short for cheap wine

So it is often said...but did I agree? Today I agree. I have been drinking very well of late. A bit too much wine bought about 5 years ago - needs drinking up! So I am a bit spoiled in that respect. I just opened a bottle of Barbera. Not badly made, just cheap. About €0.25 a bottle I reckon. But by gosh you do notice that it is chemical, confected and lacking in any depth. So I swiftly opened a good (not great, just good) bottle of Verdicchio. Order is restored..

Verdicchio, Wirra Wirra, Bordeaux, Victory 5!

Sunday brought my first race in a long time - the first since the London Marathon in April. I had originally decided to aim for as many of the races in the Hampshire league as possible - and then promptly failed by missing the first one (fair point - because we were on holiday for a week!). I was also aware that my running has been a bit goal-less in recent months, so there was something about sticking to what I had said I would do - and if nothing else, we'd know where the fitness levels really stood... ..and the answer was, most satisfyingly, pretty good! The Victory 5 is a flat-as-a-pancake race from the track at the Mountbatten sports centre in Portsmouth, up to IBM, and then back to finish on the track. Just under 1000 runners, with some really fast Johnnies at the front end. I started well enough, then had to pul in to the side of the track after only 100m to tie my shoelaces - and experienced the pain of the field rushing by me! I rejoined and spent the next 2 minutes weav...

A well-titled Sancerre

Just a short post, from a lovely 5 days at Champneys. Lots of exercise, and a goodly amount of rest. I am delighted to confirm that this place has moved firmly from a health FARM to a health SPA - which is code for 'a bit less stern and Swedish, and you can have wine with dinner'. So, the (half) bottle of choice has been the very appropriately named fish wine, Sancerre Blanc, Armand Salmon, 2008. Not as cutting and pungently grassy as some, this has a great balance of richness and freshness, and a lovely fresh length of flavour. Really very nice indeed. A quick search on the inter-web brings this up as £12.40 from Fine Wines Direct. Now, back to the Spinning classes..then a wrap..then fit ball..then a this supposed to be restful??

A very pleasing weekend's drinking..

Some weekends are definitely more focused on the gentle pleasures of life, and this one fits the bill very nicely. It started very well with finishing work on Friday, in the sure and certain contemplation of a week off, that was not going to involve rushing towards Gatwick. A short break in the UK beckoned, with 5 days at Champneys. Wine will not be the priority there, for sure, so I determined that until we went, it should be good stuff all the way. Marvellous!  In order to prepare fully for the exercise and health-fest that Champneys will be, on Saturday we went with Carol and Huw to have a champagne tea at Chewton Glen (Taittinger as well, not just House stuff!), which had been a birthday gift for Janet. The day was just what you want for this kind of thing - warm, but not too hot, the slow laziness of a September afternoon. After a glorious opener with the obligatory cucumber and salmon sandwichettes (no crusts, of course!) the ante in the calorie-fest was upped, moving in...