Some weekends are definitely more focused on the gentle pleasures of life, and this one fits the bill very nicely. It started very well with finishing work on Friday, in the sure and certain contemplation of a week off, that was not going to involve rushing towards Gatwick. A short break in the UK beckoned, with 5 days at Champneys. Wine will not be the priority there, for sure, so I determined that until we went, it should be good stuff all the way. Marvellous!
In order to prepare fully for the exercise and health-fest that Champneys will be, on Saturday we went with Carol and Huw to have a champagne tea at Chewton Glen (Taittinger as well, not just House stuff!), which had been a birthday gift for Janet. The day was just what you want for this kind of thing - warm, but not too hot, the slow laziness of a September afternoon. After a glorious opener with the obligatory cucumber and salmon sandwichettes (no crusts, of course!) the ante in the calorie-fest was upped, moving into proper scones, cream and jam (I am a cream first then jam kind of guy, sorry if that's not right!) and then an orgy - that is the only word - of small cakes. Marvellous. We then struggled to waddle round the garden, in a vain attempt to get some settling in the stomach - and it was quite lovely out, the sun dappling through the trees as we lolled by a lake in the golf course, thankfully free of the club-swingers for the afternoon. Clearly enjoying ourselves far too much, we determined to continue, and so this then called for a cocktail on the terrace as we saw off the pale light and into the early evening. What a day!
So, dear reader, as you see I am muddling through right now..
Pip pip.
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