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Miles 23.69; Units lots and lots

Dear Reader, a double-post this week, as last Sunday I was in Italy. More of
that later. Quickly on the running front, very low miles, due in part to work commitments (having to spend days in Bolton..) and in week 2, because the route from the Agriturismo would have made a 4x4 have a bit of a think about attempting much of a run! A 400ft straight climb up a trail in the heat..well, you can see why the miles did not happen!

Let me take the chance to wax lyrical on a wonderful holiday in Southern Umbria. We stayed at the Tenuta di Canonica near Todi. The views were astonishing - towards Todi on the left, and down towards Lago di Corbara. We spent many hours just staring at it - hence the low level of holiday book reading! The Tenuta was also a fabulous place, with the wonderful Francesa and Matteo looking after us very well. Janet was especially taken with Mozart the African Grey parrot, who used to tweet away all day very merrily, mimicking the phones and the owners. He'd go all quiet when you went up to him - and then when you walked away, say 'goodbye'.

Wine-wine a festival of local Umbria wines - Rubesco by Lungarotti, Sagrantino di Montefalco by Caprai, and Grechetto di Umbria, to name but three. I do feel there is a real opening for a wine tasting centre around Montefalco. We were disappointed to see that our usual enoteca has shut - not surprised in a way, the location was poor and he did not seem especially commercial - perhaps that's why we liked him! There is so much that Montefalco needs to do to make itself as well known as Montalcino.

And here's me on our wonderful terrace getting slightly pickled in the afternoon after lunch on an Orvieto Secco by Bigi - dry and crisp (the wine, not me). Happy days!


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