First week of getting back into the step of things - with the pleasure of no specific target other than enjoying my running and keeping life in balance. I've had 4 runs this week of 4, 5.5, 6, and 7.5 miles, all just at whatever pace I fancied - which is still probably a little fast, however if you are in the mood then just go for it, that's what I say! A lovely run on Sunday, out to the Salmon Leap, then across the fields to Squabb's Wood, and back along the Old Salisbury Road. This is a great trail/road run with some lung-busting climbs, and a cautious trek across a field with cows in it - you have to skirt round them and generally they leave you alone! One of those just perfect runs when you start out before it is too warm, and the heat only picks up as you are heading for home. You have the joy of having beaten both the sun and the traffic! Get back before 10am, and your run will feel fantastic. Definitely one of those runs today that is de-stressing, just a real pleasure, and enough to give you a glow of effort on returning home without feeling blasted. I sense that, as after previous marathons, I will now have a great 4 weeks of running as I fancy, and then some time around mid July I will feel the need to set a new goal.
Winewise, a lovely one last night with the first barbeque and outdoors dinner of the year. I am sure that some of you have been merrily dining outside as soon as the snow melts from the patio table - not for me! We tucked into a glorious bottle of Kanonkop Pinotage 2003, from South Africa. Beautiful, deep red colour, lovely ripe berry fruit nose, and (a tasting note from the label here) a hint of banana - yes, it really did have that! The tannins were perfectly integrated and soft, providing structure with no harshness. Big in the mouth, not dominating, and just right for BBQ meats. I know that Pinotage ( A cross between Pinot Noir and Cinsault, very much South Africa's own grape) is not seen as a 'top flight' variety but you know, when it is good, it is a pleasure. And this one was!
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