Well, the tapering has really kicked in, with hardly any miles under my belt, or so it feels. I do struggle with these short runs, trying to keep the pace down. Not easy. The big day approaches, however, and soon all this will be over and I will be delighted - I hope!

The lion's share of this week's blog must of course go to the Wine of the week, which is another event - the Decanter Italian Fine Wine Encounter in London, at the Landmark hotel. What a day! On Saturday, Janet and I took

the train up to London, for 3 rooms of around 90 producers and I reckon 400 wines. I am disappointed to record that I only managed around 100 of them! We have a policy of only allowing ourselves to drink the good ones, however when the quality is as good as these were, then this falls down somewhat - as do I by about 3pm! Crikey I did get very drunk. As always the Tuscany and Umbria wines most pleased us - and how great to be able to talk and share with the actual producers and owners - they really do take the time to come to London because they know we are an interested bunch. I am going to have to stock up on Rosso di Montalcino 2008. Anyway, Sunday was spent mostly recovering (and hence the run not being quite as fast as desired) but what a good reason, eh!
Next Week - Edinburgh!!
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