No miles this week - recovering from Edinburgh. I haven't not run for this long for about 12 months, so this is quite strange. I haven't really felt twitchy either until today, Sunday, a week later - I wanted to go out today but my trainer suggested a week's rest so I shall go out tomorrow instead. I've had to fend off the questions around 'am I feeling upset' to which the answer is No! I am delighted to have run Edinburgh, and yes, I wish I had hit my time, that's life! Workwise it has been a tough week, so it has suited me well to be able to crack on with things and not rush back for training. I have resolved that for the next 4 weeks at least I shall just run as I please, no new goals, no targets. I usually find that, when I am ready, a new target appears.
On the wine front, I cooked a great spicy beef and wild mushroom stew last night, which was perfect with Barolo Le Albe Vajra 2001 - the usual hint of roses and tar, really well balanced tannins, silky, oh just

great, and not too powerful. I have not usually got on well with Barolo, but this time I liked it very much indeed. Has really changed my attitude.
Well, just a short post now to get me back on track!
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