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Showing posts from October, 2010

The author wishes to apologise...

..that he is on holiday..however he has left you the now-expected wine video to tickle you on.. Tonight - Heidsieck Heritage, about £25, Waitrose

miles 21.08; Bike Miles 1; Units 20 excluding Saturday which was far too many!

"a happy weekend is one with more miles on my shoes than my car tyres" Another week of just two runs - but both good quality, including some tough hills. So I am not unhappy with that - would have been good to crack 30 miles this week, though! The Sunday run was out with the running club, as before from St Catherine's in Winchester. It was crisp, dry, and everything that makes a wintry run truly great. You do just feel absolutely alive after that. It also included a rather random piece of pathway that was covered in cows, which needed shooing off the path..slightly worrying. It was along the water meadows at St. Cross - always feels very medieval at that spot, as if you could be seeing a scene that a monk would have encountered 500 years ago. There is something about these old towns that embody and then exude the years of history. I have included a photo of these meadows at St. Cross because I find it truly enigmatic, evocative...and frankly all a bit Cadfael, if you reme...

miles 20.64; Bike Miles 0; Units probably too many!

A couple of runs this week, Tuesday and Sunday, the latter a great long run - just over 14 miles - really feeling back in the swing of things, and ready to book some races now. It was just glorious to be out in the cool but sunny weather - absolute joy! I am finally feeling like I am able to run again. It has also been a bit more of a relaxed week at work, with a couple of days on a training course, and the rest of the time in the office. Also, the throat was gently easing out by the weekend ( I did promise not to go on about it).... ....which is good when I tell you that we went to Hotel Terravina again, this time as a gift for my 40th Birthday from Carol and Huw, to take part in a 'sabrage' event, which means that you chop the top off a bottle of champagne with a sabre! All very extravagant and grand - see me brandishing said bottle in the attached photo. What a great experience that was, really very special. Thanks to C&H for that! Other than the Champagne we also had tw...

miles 16.23; Bike Miles 0; Units 22

Look, I know that I did promise not to go on again about being ill - but this week I got caught by a second wave - I reckon I was just feeling a bit rough. So - poorish running, started well, rough in the middle of the week, at the weekend, a short Saturday run, felt rubbish. Just quick wine post - the excellent Rosso di Montalcino Brunelli 2006. The junior wine from Montalcino (its big brother is Brunello di Montalcino), this is a lovely wine, all plums and brambles.Expect the bottle to go quickly, and you may want another. Marvellous!

miles 7.02; Bike Miles 0; Units a fair few..

Not the greatest week for running, as you can see by the paltry total above! The start of the week took me to Lille, via Eurostar. (see the photo of Euro Lille, a concrete 'homage' to Le Corbusier..not the most compelling sight as you alight from the train..) So, I had to forego Monday's circuits, and arrived weary and late in the city. I think I must have picked up a bug on the Tuesday, and, after being very tired on my return home, the first inklings of a tight throat emerged - followed by two days of feeling really lousy! Alas, as can often be the case, those two days were extremely busy at work, so it was only really on Friday that I allowed myself a chance to be a bit ill and give in to 'man flu'. Our weekend guests also had to cancel, as they were rough as well, so to be honest the whole weekend was compromised by the snuffles - and worst of all, you are not really up to tasting any great wines! However you will be pleased to hear that I battled valiantly on...